Krystal Productions is committed to presenting to the public the finest artistic musical and theatrical performances in the world today, specializing in contemporary artistic expression representing eternal artistic and spiritual values and dedicated to challenging the conventions of the dramatic musical theatre. Rather than attempting to impose foreign or radical structures for shock or novelty, Krystal recognizes the organic process of spiritual and artistic evolution and seeks to establish artistic strength and power through a coalescence of evolving consciousness with the traditions and culture of our civilization.
Date : February 8, 2005
Location : Weill Hall in Carnegie Hall, NYC

Krystal Classical Productions Presents
Vocal Music of William Maselli
including world premiere of song cycle "Flowers," starring bass Kevin Burdette; Dreams of Love, song cycle featuring Mirjam Tola, Jennofer Brenna-Hondorp, and Megan Weston; Easter Songs, song cycle featuring Mirjam Tola; and selections from the John F Kennedy:Requiem and the opera Spirit Fire, featuring Ms. Tola, Ms Weston, and tenor Greg Mercer; with chamber orchestra conducted by Maselli, featuring cellist Umberto Clerici.


You appear as from a dream
Shining sun on the mountain lake
Angel of sound and light
Silent glow of the distant star



Carry me, love,
To the holy places you lie.
Like snow falling in deep space
You are cold to the touch and to the eye.
Yet I burn with inner fire by the sight of you
And I wait with patient grace
For the unfolding
Of you


In distant mystery you repose,
At least for me,
Though you may not rest
And may be close to another
Why wonder at this world
Which dreams in subconscious bliss?
Let the future come
And in that flow perchance
You shall come to me.


O love,
My spirit burns with longing.
Every piece of my essence ---
Of the Universe - - -
Seethes in swirling mysterious commanding search to union.
All is at war
And no peace can be
Without the touch
Of your soul
On mine.


How can I make you feel
The pure spirit of my love
And send the light of my devotion
Into your heart so strong that it shines in your eyes
It is my wish and only dream
That the pure spirit of my love
Forever shines in your eyes
To light the stars
So my love and soul
And all Eternity ---
Through my love for you ---
Are One.


All is fine with the world,
Of course,
In time;
You who gave me new life,
Who relit the stars,
Has cast the darkness into the very depths of my soul;
All is fine with the world, of course, in time.


In a vision of the world
Dreaming spirits love with kindness
Drifting melodies foretell
Harmonies that color blindness
In the suffering of the world
Dreaming spirits love with kindness
Love sustains the universe
Hope remains a mystic timeless soul
You create the universe
So my heart has been relating
Lifting up my lonely soul
Dreams my art has been creating
In the magic of your eyes
Fires glitter unabating
Heating up my frozen soul
Beating in my heart creating love.
Love keeps hope alive
Hope keeps love alive
Angels dressed in robes of white
In the spirit’s world transcendent
Holding forth the sacred flame
Lighting stars in skies resplendent
Lift my long-enduring heart with your love
I touch the essence of creation
Born within Life’s timeless vision
And the magic of your blessing
Timeless sacred love
If on mortal paths we part
Torn by tragedies unfolding
Save the essence of my soul
Burning love we’ve both been holding
Love soars on high
Is reborn by your prayers
Prayers of love keep hope alive
Only the light of hope keeps my spirit alive
Hope creates the flow of love
And only love sustains the Universe.


Today is your wedding day!
Oh Joy and sublime love!
The sun shines between the passing clouds,
And snow falls from the mountains,
And in my heart a song sounds again and again,
Lifting me to the shore
By the lake
Of my lost dreams.

William Maselli


Text by William Maselli
Nadezhda Kovarskaya


Blue flower,
Trembling in the wind,
Sign of Love
In this violent world.
Blue flower,
All the colours of
The Universe
Sing from your glow.
From the depths of the struggles of the world
Your music saves my soul.

Nadezhda Kovarskaya and William Maselli


Mysterious depth,
Sensuous meadow,
Flowering in mystic dreams.
Dream to me, flower!
Bloom bad sing
In the meadow of my eyes.

William Maselli


Once upon a time
I swam through the river of your dream,
Slow beautiful journey
Through the river of your dream
A pure and lonely star
Shines upon the sea
The power is growing
As I bathe in the beauty of my life.

Nadezhda Kovarskaya


I am the flower of love
Born to be faithful
So many scale my delicate walls
Besiege my grace, all must fall.
Only to you do I bloom and rejoice.

Nadezhda Kovarskaya and William Maselli


You sleep in despair:
You do create!
But we must save our strength
To redeem our sadness
In the light of the morning.

Nadezhda Kovarskaya and William Maselli


My dear stars
Enlight my way
To meet my peace
Serene and Faithful.

Nadezhda Kovarskaya



Little Bird
I seek for you in darkened skies
I call for you with silent cries
What vision can you bear to me
Across the sea of Eternity?
Little Bird
Who sang in time with Love’s sweet rhyme
Floating on the winds of Time
Still pouring forth her melodies
Upon the breeze of Eternity!
I remember you O Timeless One!
I soared upon your wings
Little Bird
Once captured in a mortal cage
Your beauty conquered mortal rage
A precious gift you gave to me
Eternity in your love
Scene sounds the distant glow of passion past
O lightning flash!
Calm, my heart, at last!
I remember you O wondrous one
I sheltered ‘neath your wings
Little Bird
We conjure Life’s Immortal Glow
I stroke the stream our spirit’s flow
I never could erase your pain
Man’s tragedies remain!
But still my little bluebird sings
In my heart for all Eternity!


My lover is the Sea
And in her depths I breathed
Flourishing in radiant harmonies of sunlight
Drawn within the deep embrace of her massive soul
But I was cast out onto land
To wander within the dry kiss of shallow soil
To gaze in distance and in grief
At the majesty of the horizon eyes that forever blind and escape
But I drew close to the sea
And have touched her sandy shore
And in fine moments of destiny
I have lain by the waters that rush to the sea
And placed my hands in to the flow of her mystic sources
And lain in chaste embrace
Upon the mist of the breath of her soul
But from those unseen depths of desperate desire
And unfathomable reaches of spirit sway
I am forever banished
The sea is my lover and I taste her still


In a dream that seemed so magical
All the world was bathed in blue
And the brilliance of your eyes so true captivated
Everything I ever thought I knew
All the wisdom of the sky
All the beauty that surrounds you
The dream! that made you clear to me.
Deep inside the forest where you hide
Shrouded by the silence there
Melodies that travel from your soul mystify me
Drifting from the dark and weary world
Dreaming visions follow you
And the magic that you shine upon the sleeping children
Dream! that brings your love to me.
All of the world is just a dream to me
And in your eyes I see Love’s light
Visions in whispers of your melodies
The memories that keep me alive
In your kiss the stars shine paradise
In the touch of your skin the world is born
And in the secrets of your mystery
I fly in timeless melody
In a corner of the universe in black’ning shade
We are driven to embrace the stormy(winter) night
And in time all the shining fire of Love’s desire
Is encircled by the shading dance of night
In this world I can dream of your love for me
In this night I can will the world aflame
But you with your silence and scornful air
Crucify my heart, my soul, my brain
Deep in embers of your fading glow
Burn the fires of passion’s dance
Images of beauty you inspire romance me
Not a thing that you can say or do
Silences the starry sky
And the magic that you beam upon my sleeping spirit
Dream! that brings your love to me.